Agendas and Minutes

Regular Council Meeting

Agendas are available from the City Clerk 48 hours prior to a regular meeting. Minutes of meetings are available no later than ten days after being approved by the City Council. Click Here to view City Meeting agendas and minutes.

The regular council meeting usually starts at 7:00 p.m. At this point the City Council formally acts on ordinances, planning and zoning issues, contracts, bids, etc. Items from the various Committees of the City Council.  Items on the consent agenda are passed in one motion. The consent agenda allows the City Council to efficiently deal with routine matters. Any member of the City Council may have an item removed from the consent agenda for discussion. There are instances when the City Council needs to adjourn into executive session. These executive sessions are allowed by statute to discuss only a limited number of issues, including property acquisition and sale, personnel, and litigation.

As one of the best ways to stay informed of City business, the City Council welcomes all members of the community and public to attend a City Council meeting. Regular City Council meetings are generally held the First and Third Thursday of each month beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of City Hall, 3355 Belvidere Road. Meeting agendas will be posted at the front entrance of City Hall and on the City's Website. Click Here to view agendas.  

The Committee of the Whole meetings are held as needed. The Committee of the Whole is a less formal meeting that gives the City Council an opportunity to discuss items and ask questions before an item moves forward in the process for a final vote.

Special Meetings


Committee of the Whole Meeting

As needed, special meetings are held and will be announced by the City Clerk. Meetings of the Park City City Council and its boards and commissions are open to the public.